Flat Skylight Windows: Best Tips for Diagnosing and Sealing Leaks

Skylight windows are essential for all those who love lots of natural light in their living spaces. They are also useful for those who might not be able to install conventional windows due to cost or structural issues on the building. Essentially, a skylight window sits on the roof, where it has full exposure to the sun. The setup allows it to let in lots of light without you worrying about obstructions and high maintenance needs. However, skylights can also be the source of leaks, allowing water into the attic and interior space. Many homeowners often have no idea how they can deal with leaking skylight windows. You will not be one of them if you read the following tips:

Examine the Skylight Window

Your first line of action should be a thorough look at the skylight window to determine the source of the leaks. If you have a retractable skylight window, start by looking at the window itself and making sure that the window panel has a good seal. Close the window and check carefully to see how the panel fits in the frame. If there are any gaps, then you should consider replacing the whole frame and getting one that fits the window perfectly.

Identifying Installation Mistakes

Many people do not know how to identify the mistakes that occur when you hire someone to install a skylight window. Nevertheless, your ability to spot and stop leaks relies on how fast you can recognise these mistakes. Some of the common signs you need to be wary of include holes in the window's flashing and gaps around the corners.

Make Things Conducive for Your Skylight Window

Houses with low-pitched roofs can make things quite unconducive for a flat skylight window. Such roofs are prone to small pools of water forming in various sections of the roof during wet weather. When such conditions persist around your skylight window, then they are likely to fall prey to leaks. Therefore, you need to free your roof of any obstructions that can encourage pooling around the skylights.

You can also reduce pooling by raising all the shingles surrounding the window. Spread small amounts of roofing cement under the shingles close to the skylight window. When done, push the shingles downwards gently so that they create a firm seal around the window.

Use the Right Sealants

When sealing gaps on a skylight window, the quality of the sealant is essential. It is advisable to apply sealants made from urethane and silicone roofing cement. 

To learn more, speak to a professional who works with skylight windows
